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Largest carbon capture plant in UK opens in Yorkshire

"The equipment will trap some the exhaust fumes produced by the Ferrybridge plant, operated by Scottish and Southern Energy"


GE and Hitachi plan new reactor to burn UK plutonium stockpile

"Multibillion pound plant at Sellafield would convert UK's nuclear power plant residue into fuel"


Q&A: what are the greenest cars?

"It's not just a choice between dirty old gaz guzzlers and futuristic hydrogen cars – swat up on your HEVs, E-REVs and biofuels"


Could 3D printing end our throwaway culture?

"The technology has improved and simplified allowing recycled materials to be used for print purposes." Why throw away the thingy with a broekn handle, when you can make a new one at home?

Category: Pollution


Are biofuel flights good news for the environment?

"Airlines are starting to test biofuels on commercial routes, but 'sustainable' alternatives to kerosene remain controversial"

Displaying results 406 to 410 out of 2977